Monday, March 16, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

Jen got us tickets to go to the LDS Draper Temple Open House. Unfortunately, Mac had meetings and I ended up just taking Bella. It actually turned in to such a sweet experience - a mommy-daughter date at the temple! Over the summer, we drove over Suncrest everyday on our way to the gym. Cole got to monitoring the progress and construction of the temple. Pretty cute. When they had finally placed the Angel Moroni ontop of the spire - he said "It's DONE! There he is!"

This is a picture of Bella's favorite room. While walking through, the spirit was so strong and I was so grateful to share such a neat experience with my only sweet girl. She was quiet and reverent and so respectful of her surroundings. I know that while she doesn't understand everything that we do at the temple, she felt the spirit and knew it was an important place.

The font... Capris, my neice, thinks that it is pigs that hold up the font. And she said "There's the hot tub!" So cute!

I am so grateful for temples. For the peace I feel there and for the work that happens in such a sacred place. And mostly... I am grateful because temples make it possible to be with my family forever - and I am pretty sure there is nothing better!


Lisanne Lee said...

So beautiful!! We never got that far...because of the "cows." You are amazing.

Anonymous said...

that was so fun! can't wait to do sessions later this year! xo

Ash said...

Steph, thanks for sharing the spirit. Your so sweet. Bella will forever remember. I love Coles comment about the angel moroni. Darling.